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Showing posts from December, 2020

Four Fundamental Principles of Unity and Equality to Guide Hawaii’s Future

Four Fundamental Principles of Unity and Equality to Guide Hawaii’s Future by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. The following four civil rights principles should guide Hawaii’s future. They are widely accepted but need stronger application. Good people should stand up publicly to proclaim them, and defend them against radical activists noisily demanding special rights based on race or religion. First I’ll state these simple, clear principles; then explain them. 1. Equality before God: All humans are equal in the eyes of God regardless of race. 2. Equality under the law: Government should treat all people equally under the law regardless of race. 3. Unity with America: Hawaii is the 50th State of the USA, whose laws rightfully have jurisdiction here. 4. Unity of Hawaii: The people and lands of Hawaii should remain unified under the single sovereignty of the State of Hawaii, not divided along racial lines. 1. Those who don’t believe in God, or believe in 400,000 gods, have other ways to say it.